Friday, May 15, 2009

Let it Rise?

Should Texas state offer a tuition cap for higher education?

I am in total agreeance with my classmate. Texas Legislators have introduced bills that would put a cap on tuition increase. We already pay enough, for just one class alone. Why do we need to pay more?! Not everybody comes from a privelaged family and can afford anything higher than what we are paying now. This is a great bill and I am in favor of this being passed.

He did a great job on writing this article. The only thing you could do is give some examples on what you are paying now for your tuition. Especially since you are an international student. Other than that, this was a great post to read and i enjoyed it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dare to be Drug Free!!

Ever since elementary school, we have been taught not to use drugs. If my memory serves me correctly, in the 5th grade we even had a drug free program that all the classes took. It was called DARE which stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. DARE is a police-officer led series of classroom lessons that teaches children, elementary through high school, how to resist peer pressure and live drug free lives!

On August 25, 1991 a bill was filed within the House, relating to drug tests for candidtaes for and holders of certain state and district offices. Why hasn't this bill been passed?! I think it is a very reasonable and good bill. When we go to apply for a new job and get offered a position, most of those places make us do a drug test. The same should go for these candidates. This is just another job. Before they got nominated or even elected, they were still a citizen and resident of Texas just like the rest of us. The rules apply to everybody, or do they?? If we have to take drug tests, I feel that the people we elect to represent us should have to do the same as well. Nobody wants a sorry ass governor that gets high on the cool.

There is a quote I'm pretty sure you have heard of: "Separate but Equal". Just because these people might have their government jobs sitting high up, while us citizens sit at the bottom busting our asses, does not mean that they should not have to do the same things that we have to. It is standard prcedure to be given a drug test when entering a new job or even having random ones at that. I don't see any harm in taking the test. If these candidates have nothing to hide and aren't on drugs then I don't see the harm in passing this bill.


Monday, April 20, 2009

A Post on a Post

Texas Legislatures Need to Seek Cleaner Air

Let me start off by saying that this was a good editorial. I completely agree with this classmate of mine. She wrote this editorial on a bill that is currently still in the House. A Republican Senator from Waco proposed a bill that would call for tighter regulations and modifications of air impacting technologies. If the bill is passed, it will result in cleaner air for Texas.

She did a wonderful job in expressing her own opinion about this bill. She gave us an example of a city where the air was really polluted. She urges the people to get this passed. Not only for us and our health, but for our wonderful state of Texas and the future generations to come. I would not change a thing about this editorial. She did a marvelous job in my book. I enjoyed reading your blog.

Feel free to go check it out!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tax Exemptions?!

I am pretty sure that we can all agree, that being a college student does not come cheap! We have to pay for the classes we take and the gas to get to class each and every day. Last but not least, we have to pay for the books we need that provide us wth the information we need for each of our classes.

On November 10, 2008 HB 20 was filed with the Texas Legislature relating to the exemption of textbooks for university and college courses from the sales tax. What college student would not want this?! Come on now, times are hard. Especially to be a young college student working to put yourself through school. You can already expect to pay a pretty good amount of money for just one book. One can only imagine if you have to buy four and five books at a time. That is a large sum of money. Times have changed. We are currently in a recession! Do we seriously need more to pay for than what we can bear?! I do not think so. Using me as an example, this semester I enrolled in four core classes. My bill was $796.00. My math book alone was more than $100. I had to buy two books for my English class which were about $100 together. My government book was $70 and lucky me my last book was only $7. So altogether, I spent about $300 alone just on my books, and that is WITHOUT taxes!

By passing this bill, we would be able to save a percentage of our money. Even if it isn't going to be alot, every penny counts. We do have other expenses to pay for as well. This bill is definately one we shoud work on getting passed. Especially at the rate things are going, college students could use a little break. Not having any sales tax on our books, would be a great start. Its the right thing to do. All in favor..........SAY I!!

Texas Legislature

Monday, March 30, 2009

What Goes Around....

Where this author stands on this, I do not know for sure. But, as for me I am going to have to agree with what the deomcrats are trying to do. Democrats are threatening to use the reconciliation budgetary system and the Republicans are in a frenzy! They have every right to panic. If the Democrats are succesful, then the Republicans would be denied the right to filibuster. Which is just about the only thing that they have left to influence federal policy.

The Republicans are encountering some problems as they try to go against this idea. The biggest one being, that they used this very process their ownselves one more than one occasion. Especially back in 2001, when more than $1 trillion in tax cuts was enacted. I guess none of their mothers ever told them "What goes around, comes around"! Everything was all good when they got to do it and got what they wanted, but now that somebody else is trying to do the same thing its all wrong. When asked what it is he had to say about all of this, Republican senator, John Cornyn, stated "It stinks".

If this is what is needed to help provide health care to just your average Americans, then I say they should go for it! I believe that the author of this blog, intended for it to go both ways. In the Democrat case, she is letting them know wussup. Basically just letting them know what is going on and how they are being treated. In the case of the Republicans, she is sending a messgae out to not have a stick up they ass. When they got to use this process on a number of occasions and help their fellow americans out, it was all good. Why can't the democrats do the same?! In her blog, the author does not state her position on this but if I had to guess..... I would have to say I really don't know. Possibly she could be rooting for the democrats. This was a very good blog entry and it caught my attention. She could have added more of her opinion in here though, seeing as it is a blog. But, it looks like she comes highly recommended to go and check out her blog, so she must be pretty darn good. But, I know people don't just always take somebody elses word on things, so go check it out. Are you for or against, helping your fellow Americans get healthcare?!

True Confessions by Eileen

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lower Ozone Levels

Everybody should want to keep our state nice and clean. If you did not know, ozone is a pollutant that causes breathing problems especially for children and senior citizens. On Tuesday, Travis County's Transportation and Resource Department recommended some new policies that would put the county employees in the forefront of ozone protection efforts.

A 25 percent reduction in commuting trips by county employees to and from their jobs was proposed. It was also proposed for a 25 percent reduction in the miles traveling to and from work. This could be achieved by working closer to home or working straight from the home. An extensive public education campaign was recommended as well to alert the community of gasoline emissions and behaviorial changes in all citizens. A $10 surcharge fee will be charged for parking downtown in a county parking lot, but only if there if one person in the car. This is to encourage single occupant vehicle travel.

I think this article should be read because it not only pertains to our state and county, it pertains to our health as well. Nobody wants to walk outside and not get a breath of fresh air. We need to keep our state clean not only for ourselves, but for the generations to come.
So, check it out!!