Friday, May 15, 2009

Let it Rise?

Should Texas state offer a tuition cap for higher education?

I am in total agreeance with my classmate. Texas Legislators have introduced bills that would put a cap on tuition increase. We already pay enough, for just one class alone. Why do we need to pay more?! Not everybody comes from a privelaged family and can afford anything higher than what we are paying now. This is a great bill and I am in favor of this being passed.

He did a great job on writing this article. The only thing you could do is give some examples on what you are paying now for your tuition. Especially since you are an international student. Other than that, this was a great post to read and i enjoyed it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dare to be Drug Free!!

Ever since elementary school, we have been taught not to use drugs. If my memory serves me correctly, in the 5th grade we even had a drug free program that all the classes took. It was called DARE which stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. DARE is a police-officer led series of classroom lessons that teaches children, elementary through high school, how to resist peer pressure and live drug free lives!

On August 25, 1991 a bill was filed within the House, relating to drug tests for candidtaes for and holders of certain state and district offices. Why hasn't this bill been passed?! I think it is a very reasonable and good bill. When we go to apply for a new job and get offered a position, most of those places make us do a drug test. The same should go for these candidates. This is just another job. Before they got nominated or even elected, they were still a citizen and resident of Texas just like the rest of us. The rules apply to everybody, or do they?? If we have to take drug tests, I feel that the people we elect to represent us should have to do the same as well. Nobody wants a sorry ass governor that gets high on the cool.

There is a quote I'm pretty sure you have heard of: "Separate but Equal". Just because these people might have their government jobs sitting high up, while us citizens sit at the bottom busting our asses, does not mean that they should not have to do the same things that we have to. It is standard prcedure to be given a drug test when entering a new job or even having random ones at that. I don't see any harm in taking the test. If these candidates have nothing to hide and aren't on drugs then I don't see the harm in passing this bill.